Thursday 30 January 2014

5 types of curtain rods and when to use them

While you may think that there is only one kind of rod that is needed to hang curtains, that is definitely not the case. With the styles and ranges of curtains and windows increasing every day, nowadays there is a perfect kind and different curtain rod sizes that are suitable for each type of curtain and window. This means that you can find the right look for any room and with a little bit of research, the right rod for every look.

1. Traverse Rods.

Traverse Rods
Used mainly for drapes and curtains that need to be opened and closed regularly, traverse rods are one of the most basic and practical kind of rods that you can get. If your window design is uncommon you may need to get the traverse rods specially made to accommodate the window and the drapes or curtains. If you want to layer your drapes with curtains to prevent sun damage, you may need to get hold of some triple curtain rods that will hold all the layers.

2. Flat metal rods.

These rods are exactly what they sound like, just flat metal. They are used mostly for curtains that you plan to keep closed or open. Double rods can keep a valance and drapes in position. However, if you plan to move the curtains, it can be done, but traverse rods are much better for places where the curtains need to be opened and closed. Stylistically, they go best with simple curtains as they are simple looking themselves. For bay windows, you can get hold of curved ones and if the curtain you are going to use is made of sheer material, you can find translucent ones so that the styles do not clash.

3. Cornice rods.

Used mostly for the fancier window styles like festoons, cornice rods are also one of the less practical kinds of rods you can get. They are meant, like flat metal rods, for curtains that are not going to be moved from their position. However, you can use them on more modern styled windows to create a juxtaposed look and with a corner connector; they can also be used to hang up drapes on corner windows.

4. Tension rods.

Tension rods need two walls or objects on two sides to keep themselves and the curtains up and for this reason, are perfect for smaller areas like bathroom windows. They come in a variety of styles and sizes so you should be able to find one that is perfect for any place that you need to put them. While in the past, they were known to look cheap and unfashionable, the huge variety they come in now means that they can be used almost everywhere.

5. Decorative rods

Decorative rods are made of more unusual materials and are less practical. They can be used mostly for their aesthetic appeal and are used by the more adventurous. The materials used are ever growing, so you should be able to find one that fits your needs.
This article should make it easier to narrow down what kind of curtain rods you need to finish your room in style and remember to search around for the best deals and quality.

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